Endang Listiorini
Listiorini had her Bachelor Degree (Ir.) in Gas and Petrochemical Engineering in 1991 from University of Indonesia, and in 1995 acquired her Master Degree (MSc) in Chemistry at University of Technology, Malaysia. She also undertook Translation Specialization Program, English to Indonesian (vv), held by University of Indonesia in 2004. Listiorini took on practical trainings in Oil and Gas at PT. Caltex Pacific Indonesia Riau (1987) and PT. Pertamina UP V, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (1988). Her experiences in Gas and Petrochemical encompasses her carrier as the Research Engineer since 1989 through 1996 among others at Dept. of Gas & Petrochemical Engineering, Research Grant Program FTUI-Pertamina in cooperation with University of Indonesia, and Zeolite and Micropus Crystal Technology Group in cooperation with University of Technology, Malaysia. Aside from her expertise in carrying out chemistry and pharmaceutical patent related works in LSP PARTNERSHIP, she has been entrusted as translator of various texts from English to Indonesian (vv), including patent specifications/intellectual property documentation.