Ganesha T. Chandrasa

Chandrasa got his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree (IR) from Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) in 1987. He obtained his Master degree (Msc) in Energy Technology & Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering in 1996 at University of Salford, UK, and then accomplished MPhil degree a year later for his research on Renewal Energy, Telford Research Institute, at University of Salford, UK as well. He is presently a doctoral candidate in University of Indonesia, majoring in Renewable Energy. Armed with his expertise in the field of energy technology, Chandrasa had been alternately in charge as a Researcher/Field Engineer, Technical Supervisor and Manager in dealing with a great number of energy development projects under the National Agency for Technology Assessment & Application (BPPT). His research primarily focused on photovoltaic energy for radio and television and on electric vehicles. Chandrasa is now one of the patent experts with LSP PARTNERSHIP, specializing in electrical & electronic engineering and energy technology patents.
