Bob Hardian
Hardian graduated a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from University of Indonesia in 1991. In 1999, he also obtained his Master degree in Computer Science from University of Indonesia. He is currently a PhD Candidate of University of Queensland, Australia majoring in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Hardian undertook trainings and workshops pertaining to Thick Film Hybrid Technology at University of South Australia, ISP Asia 2000 in Singapore, and Internet Technologies in Malaysia. He has accomplished his course on Hardware Description Language: MODAL Design System at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Hardian been a Domain Administrator for OR.ID, and a team member of Indonesian Network Information Center (IDNIC) since 1996. Bob has been also a professional Lecturer of University of Indonesia in the Faculty of Computer Science since 1991, teaching Computer Network. Microelectronics and Introduction to Digital System. He has released quite a few numbers of publications and papers on internet issues. Hardian specializes in information technology patents.