Risa Y. Munawar

Risa Yunida Munawar earned her Bachelor’s degree in Gas and Petrochemical Engineering from the University of Indonesia, where she also studied chemistry. In 1995, she completed her Master’s in Gas Technology, specializing in Methane Conversion, under the Metallurgy Department at the same university.

Risa’s extensive expertise in chemistry and chemical engineering, coupled with her six-year tenure as head of the Patent division at a previous law firm, has showcased her exceptional proficiency in patent management. As a partner at LSP PARTNERSHIP, she currently directs the patent group, handling a diverse portfolio that includes chemical, electrical, and mechanical patents.

Risa formerly conducted research at the University of Indonesia within the “Research Grant Program,” focusing on methane conversion and catalysts. Additionally, she held a Research Fellowship at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. She is a member of the Asian Patent Attorney Association, the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the Association of IP Firms (AIPF).